Publishing Ethics

The editorial office of Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (CJBMB ) formulated the guidance of CJBMB publication ethics. In order to further strengthen the construction of academic publication ethics and academic integrity, and to standardize the journal publishing process and to resist academic misconducts. CJBMB referred to the relevant principles of domestic and foreign publication ethics such as copyright law, Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals from ICMJE and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (joint statement by COPE, DOAJ, WAME, and OASPA), and combined these principles with the actual situation of CJBMB.

1 For authors

      1.1 The author(s) should ensure not to submit the manuscript to any other journal before receiving a rejection decision by CJBMB.
1.2 The author(s) are expected to declare that all data in the paper are true and repeatable. There is no falsification of the data and figures, and the main data and charts have not been officially published.
1.3 The author(s) should ensure that there is no plagiarism or infringement of intellectual property rights of others.
1.4 The author(s) should ensure that the manuscript does not involve any state secrets.
1.5 The author(s) should provide the original experimental data so that other researchers can repeat the research results of the paper.
1.6 All studies that involve human subjects must abide by the rules of the appropriate institutional review committee (or equivalent organization) of the institution in which the research was conducted and by the tenets of the World Medical Association’s most recently revised Declaration of Helsinki. The approval number of the approval document of the committee must be included in the Methods section of the paper. When taking clinical patients as the research objects, the author(s) need(s) to provide the informed consent of patients. See the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals from ICMJE.
1.7 When takinging live vertebrates and/or higher invertebrates as the research objects, the author needs to confirm that animal experiments must strictly comply with national laws, regulations, and standards related to experimental animals, including but not limited to the "Regulations on the Management of Experimental Animals" (revised on March 1, 2017) and the "Guidelines for Ethical Review of Experimental Animal Welfare" (GB/T 35892-2018). At the same time, we recommend that experiments follow the relevant guidelines and consensus of international biomedical journals on animal experimental research reports (such as ARRIVE 2.0, IGP 2012, IAVE Guidelines 2010, etc.).
1.8 All listed authors should be the substantial contributors of the paper and should not be added or deleted at will. All authors should concur with the submission and approve the final version of the manuscript.
1.9 The references should be correctly indexed and listed at the end of the paper.
1.10 The funding information related to the study should be listed in the manuscript.
1.11 Authors should respect the review or revision comments by peer reviewers or editors. If the authors disagree with the results of the peer reviews, they may submit a written complaint. Disputable manuscripts will be sent to new reviewers for re-examination, and the editorial board will make a final decision.
1.12  Authors also agree to transfer the copyright of the article to the Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, when the article is accepted for publication.

2 For peer reviewers

      2.1 Reviewers should make a fair, scientific and accurate evaluation of manuscripts, and should not affect their evaluation because of religion, political views, sexuality, region and other factors.
2.2 Review the manuscript within the prescribed time and give specific comments. If the review cannot be completed on time, the reviewers are expected to inform the editorial office timely.
2.3 Reviewers should respect the authors’ research results and keep strict confidentiality of the manuscript contents.
2.4 When there is a conflict of interest between reviewers and authors, the reviewers should communicate with the editorial office and take the initiative to avoid reviewing the manuscript. 

3 For editors and editorial office

      3.1 The editors should strictly abide by the publishing laws and regulations formulated by the State Press and Publication Administration, and the publishing standards conform to the domestic and international practices.
3.2 Process every manuscript timely and justly.
3.3 Respect the author’s research achievements and keep the manuscript contents confidential.
3.4 Respect the advice of the review experts.
3.5 Keep confidential the information of the authors and the reviewers.
3.6 When selecting reviewers, editors should try to avoid experts from the same institute as the author.
3.7 If there is a conflict of interest between the editor and the author, the editor should take the initiative to avoid handling the manuscript.
3.8 In order to ensure the fair treatment of manuscripts, it is necessary to avoid a manuscript involving conflicts of interest.
3.9 If any academic misconducts are found in a manuscript that has been accepted, the editorial office has the right to reject the manuscript and inform the author's institute.
3.10  If obvious errors are found in a published paper, the editorial office shall publish "Corrections & Amendments" in the subsequent journal. If any academic misconduct is found in a published paper, the editorial office shall retract the paper and publish a retraction.  

                                                                                    Editorial Office of the Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Pubdate: 2021-03-11    Viewed: 7322